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In January 2004, we celebrated our 25th Wedding anniversary with a lunch in Parramatta, Sydney, NSW.  We were fortunate enough to have many of the family members and friends who attended our wedding.  Here's some of the pictures.

Flowers from Mariella & John - friends from Western Australia

The Wentworth Room at Parramatta Leagues Club where we held the lunch.

Barbara, Bertha, Peter L, Cheryl & Peter T

Greg, Terri, Geoff, Micheal C

Ken, Lyndell, Peter B, Brett and Deborah

Teresa (Greg's sister), Peter T, Byron, Mark and Marion

Sue, Barbara, Lother and Jo

Ruth, Cousin Tom, and Uncle Ian

Neice Jenny, sister Teresa and niece Katrina

Cousin Micheal and wife Leonie

Uncle Frank and Greg

Deborah, Reuben and brother Brett

Mary, Aunt Ruth and cousin Margaret

Teresa and cousin Roger

Geoff, Barry and Michael C

Marion and Mark

Byron and Greg

Barry and Michael C

Barry, Sue, Colin, Jo, Peter T, Marion, Mark, Terri

Father Hugh M (the priest who married us), Roger, Sarah and Jenny

Reuben, Brett, Cheryl, Micheal, and Sarah

Sue, Cheryl and Collin

Jo and Peter T

Deborah and Aunt Gloria

Sue, Greg, Jo and Colin

Ken, Nina, Peter B, and Greg

Greg giving his speech

Greg still giving his speech

Daughter Sarah saying a few words

The bridal party - then and now : Peter L, Peter T, Barry, Greg, Cheryl, Sue, Jo and Terri

Peter S (Dad), Teresa S (Mom), Greg, Cheryl, Uncle Frank, Aunt Gloria

Brett, Deb, Reuben, Micheal H, Leonie, Son Micheal, Cheryl, Greg, Sarah, Gloria and Frank

Peter S (Dad), Greg, Cheryl and Teresa S (Mom)

Gloria, Greg, Cheryl and Frank

The girls! Cheryl, Sue, Jo and Terri

The two neice's - Katrina and Jenny

Helen and Jenny

Michael enjoying a beer on Dad!

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